
About this job:
Munich-based Intro Fleetster is a software as a service (SaaS) provider that offers intelligent solutions for international fleets and car-sharers to simplify their clients' everyday fleet lives.  Our main offering is an advanced software platform that has over 100,000 users across 28 countries and 9 languages.  Our company's core members are intelligent individuals who work to improve the future and rethink transportation.
We are looking for a Senior Mobile Developer (m/f/x) as part of our continuous efforts to expand while maintaining quality.  Come along on this amazing adventure with us at Fleetster!
. As a member of our global implementation team, we design, create, and manage new features and functionality for our mobile applications.
. Enhance the React Native application's responsiveness and performance on the iOS and Android operating systems.
. Work on the mobile application's architecture, including new frameworks and tools to increase maintainability and scalability.
. Examine, evaluate, and fix errors and problems that users or the support staff have reported.
. Install and update the software on the Google Play Store and Apple software Store while making sure it complies with platform requirements.
. Five years of practical and professional development experience, with a strong preference for B2B, SaaS, and fleet management experience.
. 3+ years of React Native smartphone experience
. Excellent written and verbal communication abilities in English
. familiarity with our tech stack (for context, read below)
. Our technology stack (frontend)
Redux and React (or most of it):
. Cypress
. Typescript
. JavaScript
. Jest Blueprint (UI Library)
Our tech stack (backend):
. NestJS will replace NodeJS Express.
. TypeScript (remaining JavaScript)
. MongoDB AWS (quite a few fragments)
. Numerous opportunities for personal development
. An inclusive setting with an international workforce and all communications in English, as well as furnished office flats
. Workplace culture that is truly hybrid (thanks to Slack!)
Only those who reside in Munich or the surrounding area will have their applications considered.  We consider all sides of the "hybrid" debate carefully, and we firmly think that a close relationship with the team is essential to success.
We look forward to receiving your application!

Organization jobs

Vanem mobiiliarendaja (m/f/x) | hübriid

Selle töö kohta:
Münchenis asuv Intro Fleetster on tarkvara kui teenuse (SaaS) pakkuja, mis pakub intelligentseid lahendusi rahvusvahelistele autoparkidele ja autojagajatele, et lihtsustada nende klientide igapäevaelu.  Meie peamine pakkumine on täiustatud tarkvaraplatvorm, millel on üle 100 000 kasutaja 28 riigis ja 9 keeles.  Meie ettevõtte põhiliikmed on intelligentsed inimesed, kes töötavad tuleviku parandamise ja transpordi ümbermõtestamise nimel.

Senior Mobile Developer (m/w/x) | Hybrid

Über diesen Job:
Intro Fleetster mit Sitz in München ist ein Software as a Service (SaaS)-Anbieter, der intelligente Lösungen für internationale Flotten und Car-Sharing bietet, um den Flottenalltag seiner Kunden zu vereinfachen.  Unser Hauptangebot ist eine fortschrittliche Softwareplattform mit über 100.000 Benutzern in 28 Ländern und 9 Sprachen.  Die Kernmitglieder unseres Unternehmens sind intelligente Menschen, die daran arbeiten, die Zukunft zu verbessern und den Transport neu zu denken.

Senior Mobile Developer (m/f/x) | hybrid

Om det här jobbet:
München-baserade Intro Fleetster är en leverantör av mjukvara som en tjänst (SaaS) som erbjuder intelligenta lösningar för internationella flottor och bildelare för att förenkla sina kunders vardagliga flotta liv.  Vårt huvuderbjudande är en avancerad mjukvaruplattform som har över 100 000 användare i 28 länder och 9 språk.  Vårt företags kärnmedlemmar är intelligenta individer som arbetar för att förbättra framtiden och tänka om transporter.

Senior Mobile Developer (m/f/x) | hybrid

About this job:
Munich-based Intro Fleetster is a software as a service (SaaS) provider that offers intelligent solutions for international fleets and car-sharers to simplify their clients' everyday fleet lives.  Our main offering is an advanced software platform that has over 100,000 users across 28 countries and 9 languages.  Our company's core members are intelligent individuals who work to improve the future and rethink transportation.