Parkster AB

Regarding the position:
In your role as Parkster's material and Communication Manager, you will be responsible for creating material for our channels and attending to the organization's communication needs.  You will establish the group's general communication and make sure that we develop as "one Parkster," taking into account regional requirements for market adaptations.
Working cross-functionally with colleagues and other departments throughout Parkster's global framework, you will be based in Lund.  Reporting to the Head of Marketing, you will work alongside a digital expert and colleagues in local marketing activation as part of a marketing team.
In this position, you will:
. Plan, develop, produce, and disseminate interesting content and communications for Parkster's channels using campaigns, photos, videos, and copy.
. Overseeing international communication plans in line with the organization's shared objectives
. Assist regional marketing teams with the development and implementation of marketing content
. Make sure Parkster complies with local laws, ordinances, guidelines, and suggestions in your jurisdiction.
. Work on PR-related subjects
. Update the website and maintain direct communication with outside vendors in this field.
Are you a Parkster?
. We are seeking a strategic, upbeat thinker, a skilled communicator, and someone with a good sense of humor.  Is this you?  Would you like to develop with us?  Then you'll fit in well with Parkster's marketing team.
. To be successful in this position, you need possess:
. A minimum of a bachelor's degree in media, marketing, communications, or a similar discipline
. At least seven years of marketing-related job experience
. Outstanding writing abilities and original content creation
. Understanding and awareness of marketing techniques and trends
. The capacity to function both alone and together
. Oversee several projects, exercise initiative, test concepts, and think creatively.
. Outstanding presentation and communication abilities
. Proficiency in SEO
. proficient in both written and spoken Swedish and English.  German will be very advantageous.
. A practical and unassuming attitude
. solid familiarity with Adobe Creative Suite
. With Parkster, let's make people's daily lives a little bit simpler.  Additionally, make certain that our communications are understood and that people know why Parkster is the market's top option for partners, suppliers, and customers.
Do you think this is the correct challenge?
Together, let's Parkster.
Since we use continuous selection, do submit your application as soon as you can.
For any inquiries, please get in touch with Madeleine Mollberg.
Awaiting your application!

Organization jobs

Sisu- ja kommunikatsioonijuht Malmos

Seoses positsiooniga:
Parksteri materjali- ja kommunikatsioonijuhina vastutate meie kanalitele materjalide loomise ja organisatsiooni suhtlusvajaduste rahuldamise eest.  Te loote grupi üldise suhtluse ja hoolitsete selle eest, et me areneksime "ühe Parksterina", võttes arvesse piirkondlikke nõudeid turu kohandamiseks.
Töötades Parksteri globaalses raamistikus ristfunktsionaalselt kolleegide ja teiste osakondadega, asute Lundis.  Turundusjuhile aru andes töötate koos digieksperdi ja kolleegidega kohaliku turunduse aktiveerimisel turundusmeeskonna osana.

Content- und Kommunikationsmanager in Malmö

Zur Stelle:
In Ihrer Rolle als Material- und Kommunikationsmanager von Parkster sind Sie für die Erstellung von Material für unsere Kanäle und die Betreuung der Kommunikationsbedürfnisse der Organisation verantwortlich.  Sie etablieren die allgemeine Kommunikation der Gruppe und stellen sicher, dass wir uns als „ein Parkster“ entwickeln und dabei regionale Anforderungen für Marktanpassungen berücksichtigen.