RaySearch Laboratories AB

Regarding the role:
RaySearch creates cutting-edge oncology software that is utilized in clinics worldwide to effectively treat cancer patients.  Being an IT security specialist at RaySearch will be essential to maintaining the integrity and security of our IT infrastructure as well as the secure software development life cycle.  Implementing and maintaining security methods to safeguard our systems and data, as well as making sure that product cyber security management activities and output adhere to our protocols, will be your key duties.
. Among the duties are post-market and cyber security management coordination.
. recognizing weaknesses, creating and putting into action defenses, and making sure that company rules and industry norms are followed.
. incident reaction and security monitoring.
. routine audits and security evaluations of infrastructure and goods.
. Keep thorough and current records of all security occurrences, evaluations, and actions.
. assistance and instruction for growth.
. Participate in the creation of strategic security plans that complement our overarching business goals.
Your profile:
We think you have a strong grasp of security concepts, procedures, and technology because of your demonstrated expertise in IT security.  Because of your analytical abilities and strong problem-solving skills, you are able to evaluate threats critically, create solid solutions, and make well-informed judgments that improve our security posture.
Additionally, we think you are a self-sufficient, self-driven person who takes initiative.  We appreciate your excellent communication skills, social skills, and sense of responsibility because you will be interacting with internal teams and external stakeholders on a daily basis.
Working closely with a variety of teams, including as risk managers, testers, and core development teams, to build a cohesive security strategy calls for a collaborative perspective.  One of the most important aspects of your job is informing stakeholders about security concerns, initiatives, and developments. We value applicants who are excellent at communicating in an open and transparent manner.
Essential experience & skills:
. A degree in computer science, information technology, or a similar discipline is required.
. familiarity with incident response protocols and security monitoring technologies.
. outstanding communication abilities in both written and spoken English.
. A benefit is having pertinent certificates like CISSP, CISM, or CEH.
Our Proposal:
We provide an inclusive and diverse workplace at RaySearch that encourages candor, transparency, and teamwork.  Our contemporary and innovative office, which is situated in Hagastaden, Stockholm's Life Science Hub, offers social activities like table football, ping pong, and yoga in addition to an on-site gym and frequent after-work gatherings.  We have a great lunch buffet in our restaurant, and we have fika in the morning and afternoon every day.  The work experience is further enhanced by the breathtaking 360-degree view of Stockholm that our rooftop patio offers.  A competitive benefits and pay package is included with all of this.

Organization jobs

IT-turvaspetsialist ettevõttes RaySearch Laboratories AB Stockholmis

Mis puutub rolli:
RaySearch loob tipptasemel onkoloogiatarkvara, mida kasutatakse kliinikutes kogu maailmas vähihaigete tõhusaks raviks.  RaySearchi IT-turvaspetsialistiks olemine on meie IT-infrastruktuuri terviklikkuse ja turvalisuse ning turvalise tarkvaraarenduse elutsükli säilitamiseks hädavajalik.  Teie põhiülesanneteks on turvameetodite rakendamine ja hooldamine meie süsteemide ja andmete kaitsmiseks, samuti toodete küberturbe haldamise tegevuse ja väljundi vastavuse tagamiseks meie protokollidele.

IT Security Specialist at RaySearch Laboratories AB in stockholm

Regarding the role:
RaySearch creates cutting-edge oncology software that is utilized in clinics worldwide to effectively treat cancer patients.  Being an IT security specialist at RaySearch will be essential to maintaining the integrity and security of our IT infrastructure as well as the secure software development life cycle.  Implementing and maintaining security methods to safeguard our systems and data, as well as making sure that product cyber security management activities and output adhere to our protocols, will be your key duties.