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Job Description

Core Technologies is a software house in Karachi delivering software solutions exclusively for international clients since 2001.  Our services have been used by a number of prominent US institutions and some of the applications we have built have been featured on CNN and the WSJ as well as by Apple in its New and Note Worthy apps section on App store.

Currently, we are looking for a Software Developer – iOS to work on cloud applications for our US customers with the following criteria.


  • Create and design high-quality applications on the iOS platform using Swift and Objective-C.
  • Work on different screen sizes and different structural design patterns (MVC, MVVM, MVP)
  • Optimize the performance of the applications.
  • Work with modern technologies – Jira, Slack, Git etc.
  • Identify and fix applications bugs.

Required Skills

  • Demonstrable portfolio of released applications
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • Strong knowledge of OOP, Design patterns, Swift, and Objective-C.