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Location: Remote
Company: North Star Education Inc

Description of the Position:
 North Star Education Inc. is a federally incorporated education consulting and training firm with headquarters in Canada. To assist each student in achieving his or her educational objectives, we provide individualized instruction, training, admission and career counseling, and other services. We additionally give institutional counseling administrations including educational program improvement, examination, observing, and assessment of preparing and instructive undertakings and projects.

Position Summary: The following classes must be taught by part-time teachers to English-speaking elementary, high school, and college students, mostly from Canada, the United States, China, and Hong Kong.

Courses and Subjects: Mathematics, general science, physics, chemistry, biology, calculus, economics, statistics, business studies, and computer science (JAVA and Python programming).

Rate of Pay: Rs. During the initial probationary period of three months, you will be paid $1,000 per hour. The hourly rate could be increased to Rs, depending on how well teachers do their jobs. 3,000/hour after the probationary period is successfully completed.

Timings: Schedule during the week: 4:00 am - 9:00 am (Pakistan Standard Time)

Timings on end of the week: (Pakistan Standard Time) from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m.
North Star Education Inc