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Location: Islamabad
Company: Stark Solution

Main Responsibilities:
To develop and keep up serious areas of strength for with connections.
Help the administration group to create, oversee and screen the QHSE execution of the organization.
Screen and prompt on all QHSE matters, issues, and worries to guarantee Organization consistency with legal prerequisites, Organization and authoritative necessities, and great industry practice.
Liaise with Clients and the Inventory network, in regards to QHSE matters, it are met to guarantee their assumptions.
Liable for Organization's QHSE cycles and methodology to guarantee the Organization keeps up with its certifications (ISO9001-2015, ISO14001-2015, OHAS18001-2007, Achilles FPAL Checked, Achilles UVDB B2 Confirmed and so on.
Answerable for the board of and contact with QHSE reviewers to procure/keep up with Organization's licenses
Stark Solution