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Location: Karachi
Company: Gaditek

Education: Relevant BS degree with programming experience (such as in computer science or engineering).

A practical person who is willing to take on challenges as they arise; has been there, done that for at least one year, if not longer. 
Understanding of software and system architectures is a plus, as is familiarity with design patterns. And lastly, having a reason for producing clean software is essential since, as we all know, change is the only constant in our world.
specific expertise.

Since our product has been used by us for more than ten years, we have observed the transition from the object paradigm to the functional paradigm. As a result, you must have the same tools.
Our daily lives are spent with iOS, thus familiarity with it is necessary.
You should be familiar with Objective-C, Swift, Xcode, Cocoa Touch, and the iPhone/iPad SDK, in our opinion.
We enjoy design patterns because they expand our vocabulary (for example, the most widely used MVC and MVVM).
Knowing how agility functions would be extremely helpful because our workplace culture is largely Agile.