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Zaib Hospital & Medical Center 


Rs35,499 - Rs45,399 per month 

(051) 5155981 

Full Job Description 

We are seeking a qualified Pharmacist to assist clients in interpreting symptoms and providing prompt treatment or successful referral supports customers to the responsible doctor. They also prepare medicines by reviewing and interpreting medical recommendations and identifying therapeutic intolerance. 

To be successful in this position you will need to be customer oriented and keep abreast of the latest developments in pharmaceutical science. 


Prepare and dispense medication as recommended by doctor. 

Monitor clients' medication schedules, recommend interventions, and inform clients of  potential side effects.

Explain to your clients how and when to take their prescribed medication. 

Conducting health and wellness testing. 

Do you offer vaccinations and other medical services such as B. measuring blood pressure, temperature  and  blood sugar. 

Keep accurate customer records. 

Ensure a secure and smooth paintings environment.

Fulfill the operational needs of the pharmacy, including reviewing order records, maintaining  controlled substance records, loading and removing expired and/or damaged medication from pharmacy inventory. 

Compliance with applicable laws, regulations and procedures for pharmaceutical practice. 
types of employment: full-time, part-time, newly created
Zaib Hospital & Medical Center