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Ihr Aufgabengebiet

  • Coordination and leading of the medical team, administrative duties
  • Close cooperation with the Oncologics department, regular interchange of information
  • Administration and Management of publication library, budget planning for sponsored studies
  • Holding of medical budget overview, invoice management, keeping track of medical affair budget, etc.
  • Planning and management of meeting as well as contracting regarding patient advocacy
  • Drafting contracts for delegates,contract management for Agencies as well as for HCPs (includes project management, vendor onboarsdings, etc.)
  • Organising and coordinating of various team meetings
  • Coordinate and optimize process management inside the medical team as well as medical congress activities

Ihr Hintergrund

  • Education with a university degree
  • First Experience in Project management
  • Experience in finance, budgeting, annual budgeting, planing and reporting
  • Strong administrative skills in a large environment with at least 5 years
  • Experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including a medical department highly appreciated
  • High performance level and very good knowledge in Microsoft-Office-Applications, especially Power Point as well as Excel Spreadsheet
  • The capability to interact with experts within and outside the organization
  • Outstanding interpersonal skills
  • Fluent in English written and spoken

Ihre Benefits

  • Spannende Herausforderungen in einem zukunftsträchtigen und wachsenden Unternehmen
  • Eine offene Arbeitsatmosphäre in einer offenen Unternehmenskultur mit kurzen Kommunikationswegen
  • Ein attraktives Vergütungspaket sowie interessante Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten


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