Silver Package 

       (4 Months) 


            inclusive of tax

              Let's Go! 

  • UNLIMITED Job postings. 
  • UNLIMITED VIEW of Applicant Profiles/CVs. 
  • UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS of Applicant Profiles/CVs.
  • View/Download up to 2000 profiles from Instant Applyatjob Matches.
  • 5 jobs featured on Applyatjob homepage. 

  • Advertisement o your company’s logo on our main page.


Golden Package
(8 Months)
inclusive of tax

                Let's Go! 

  • UNLIMITED Job postings. 
  • UNLIMITED VIEW of Applicant Profiles/CVs. 
  • UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS of Applicant Profiles/CVs. 
  • View/Download up to 4000 profiles from Instant Applyatjob Matches
  • Advertisement of your company’s logo on our main page.


  • 5 sponsorship jobs.
  • 5X more candidate visits to your job posts.


Platinum Package

      (12 Months)

inclusive of tax

                  Let's Go! 

  • UNLIMITED Job postings. 
  • UNLIMITED VIEW of Applicant Profiles/CVs. 


  • UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS of Applicant Profiles/CVs. 


  • View/Download up to 5000 profiles from Instant Applyatjob Matches


  • Advertisement o your company’s logo on our main page.


  • 10 sponsorship jobs.
  • 10X more candidate visits to your job posts.




Per job title



inclusive of tax

  • Instant list of candidates matching your requirements.
  • UNLIMITED VIEWS of applicant profile/CVs.
  • View Download up to 100 profile from instant Applyatjob Matches.
  • Direct qualified professionals to your job posts.

                 Let’s Go!


              Free Services 


  • UNLIMITED free posting
  • FREE VIEWS of applicant profile/CVs.
  • FREE DOWNLOAD of applicant profile/CVs.

                  Let’s Go!

Do You Need Help?

Contact us, and we will gladly assist you. 

Our office hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and we aim to answer to all queries within one business day. 

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