
Among other things, you will work with at our company:
. using Azure-based AI services and tools to design, create, test, debug, and implement cutting-edge generative AI solutions in addition to conventional software components.
. assuring viability and alignment with business requirements by developing pre-studies, system specifications, and time estimates for both traditional and AI-driven initiatives.
. identifying the needs for software design that take into account the special requirements of incorporating big language models and AI-based search into systems, in addition to scalability, security, accessibility, and extendibility.
Your profile:
You can be hands-on right away because you have a few years of experience in a comparable capacity.  You realize that becoming the best involves pushing limits, learning, and developing together rather than outperforming others.
Competencies needed:
. Python; creation of web applications; familiarity with cloud computing systems, particularly Azure.
. JavaScript/TypeScript, includes frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue, or at least one of these
Additional skills:
. HTML, CSS, knowledge of relational and non-relational databases, data modeling, API development, Git, and DevOps procedures.
. familiarity with using APIs to integrate Generative AI models, such as LLMs.
. Knowledge of vector databases and vectorization; proficiency in natural language processing (NLP)
. familiarity with deployment automation and CI/CD technologies.
. knowledge of web development security best practices, such as safe code, authorization, and authentication.
. expertise in speed and scalability optimization for web apps
You have a degree that is applicable to the role that you have finished.
proficient in both written and spoken English.
Your individual traits and skills:
Your curiosity and open-mindedness, together with your capacity for teamwork, will enable you to succeed in this position.  We at Alleima appreciate creativity and knowledge, and we think that our love of technology and engineering brings us together and motivates us to keep learning and taking the lead in our domains.
What to anticipate from us:
At Alleima, we firmly believe that inclusion and diversity create a more positive work environment for our clients, staff, and business.
We are concerned:
We take pride in our work.  Our customers, staff, the environment, the communities where we operate, and our shared future are all important to us.
We provide:
We fulfill our promises, and by adopting a solution-focused approach, we empower our clients to reach their full potential:  More sustainable, lucrative, and efficient
We change:
We are always changing.  We take the initiative together to advance resources, goals, industries, ourselves, and society in a positive way.
Additional details:
. Please contact Anders Forslund, Recruiting Manager, at +46 70-595 31 02, for further information about the role.
. For inquiries about the hiring procedure, please get in touch with:
. Recruiter in Charge, Kristoffer Åkerlund, +46 72-387 70 98
Contacts for the union:
. Akademikerföreningen, Maria Sundqvist, +46 70-651 73 81
. Klockervold, Kjell-Åke, Ledarna, +46 70-314-24 43
. Unionen, Mikael Larsson, +46 70-307 30 48
. Interviews and selection are continuous processes.
. Please submit your application by 2025-03-23 at the latest.
Our aim at Alleima goes well beyond simply providing top-notch technology, products, and procedures; by working together, we create the greatest solutions for our clients' needs, which is how we accomplish our corporate objectives. This sums up our day-to-day work the best.  We provide an environment where you may grow personally and professionally, with inquisitive staff members and safety as our first concern.  We intend to become an even more powerful firm in our sector by following a defined path for our journey, utilizing our status as a leader in technology, a forward-thinking business partner, and a sustainability advocate.  Are you prepared to join us in tackling this challenge?  Come along on our adventure!

Organization jobs

Fullstacki arendaja AI Solutionsi Alleimal Stockholmis

Muuhulgas töötate meie ettevõttes:
. kasutades Azure'il põhinevaid tehisintellekti teenuseid ja tööriistu lisaks tavapärastele tarkvarakomponentidele tipptasemel generatiivsete AI-lahenduste kavandamiseks, loomiseks, testimiseks, silumiseks ja juurutamiseks.
. elujõulisuse ja ärinõuetega vastavusse viimise tagamine, töötades välja eeluuringud, süsteemi spetsifikatsioonid ja ajaprognoosid nii traditsiooniliste kui ka AI-põhiste algatuste jaoks.

Fullstack-Entwickler bei AI Solutions bei Alleima in Stockholm

Bei uns im Unternehmen arbeiten Sie unter anderem mit:
. Nutzung von Azure-basierten KI-Diensten und -Tools zum Entwerfen, Erstellen, Testen, Debuggen und Implementieren modernster generativer KI-Lösungen zusätzlich zu herkömmlichen Softwarekomponenten.
. Sicherstellung der Durchführbarkeit und Übereinstimmung mit den Geschäftsanforderungen durch die Entwicklung von Vorstudien, Systemspezifikationen und Zeitschätzungen sowohl für traditionelle als auch KI-gesteuerte Initiativen.

Fullstack-utvecklare inom AI Solutions på Alleima i stockholm

Du kommer bland annat att arbeta med på vårt företag:
. använda Azure-baserade AI-tjänster och verktyg för att designa, skapa, testa, felsöka och implementera banbrytande generativa AI-lösningar utöver konventionella programvarukomponenter.
. säkerställa lönsamhet och anpassning till affärskrav genom att utveckla förstudier, systemspecifikationer och tidsuppskattningar för både traditionella och AI-drivna initiativ.

Fullstack Developer within AI Solutions at Alleima in stockholm

Among other things, you will work with at our company:
. using Azure-based AI services and tools to design, create, test, debug, and implement cutting-edge generative AI solutions in addition to conventional software components.
. assuring viability and alignment with business requirements by developing pre-studies, system specifications, and time estimates for both traditional and AI-driven initiatives.