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City: Lahore
Company:   Soloinsight Pvt Ltd

Job Responsibilities:

dedicated professional in the B2B and B2C industries who has a track record of achieving company objectives through consistent and organized procedures.
able to work effectively under pressure and adapt to new circumstances and challenges in order to best enhance the brand of the organization.
gathering contact information for targeted and on-demand business development by researching company decision-makers.
Help the manager of the outreach campaign with multiple projects at once.
Day to day/week after week investigating a continuous premise. proactive in maximizing throughput and assisting in the optimization of internal processes.


generating leads online.
generating leads from within.
Email newsletter broadcast in B2B marketing
Management of email.
Software for marketing emails.
Email marketing and strategy.
Marketing via mass email.
Building email lists.
Calling cold.
Call taking care of.
Technologies and devices:

Mailchimp, SendGrid, Salesforce CMS, LinkedIn Deals Pilot, Apollo, Lead411, Crunchbase, Consistent, ZoomInfo, Ring Focal and so forth. Any combination of these exposures is advantageous.
Soloinsight Pvt Ltd