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About the job

Contribute with data that help build state-of-the-art AI-powered models for the given target languages. We're looking for data annotators to help us review some sentences and modify them where necessary. For this project, you will be working in your native language.

Project Task:

Your task is to provide questions that come into your mind after reading a tool generated passage, even if it’s vaguely related to the topic.


Requirements and Qualifications:

  • You must have at least an advanced level of English in order to understand the project-related materials, such as guidelines, and, during the first stage, the whole task as the questions will be in English.
  • You must be a native speaker of Iranian Persian (Iran) and residing in Pakistan.

Work Schedule:

  • This project will take less than 20 hours in total at 4-5 hours per day.
  • Work from home on your preferred time.

    Appen has a diverse, inclusive culture that is vital to our mission of helping build better AI. We offer opportunities for individuals of all abilities and backgrounds.