Zu dieser Stelle: Ingenieur für maschinelles Lernen (w/m/d) Automatisierung mittels KI (LLMs) BMG wurde 2008 gegründet und revolutionierte die Art und Weise, wie Songwriter, Interpreten und Musikunternehmen miteinander interagierten, indem es mehr kreative Freiheit, gerechtere Verträge sowie beispiellose Vergütungen und Lizenzklarheit bot. BMG, derzeit das viertgrößte Musikunternehmen weltweit, verbindet Musik mit Hörern auf der ganzen Welt, indem es menschliche Kreativität mit modernster Technologie verbindet.
Job Description: Maintain communication with and offer correct information to medical/paramedical contacts regarding Nestlé's infant nutrition products, including information about their characteristics, advantages, and how to use them in accordance with Nestlé Instructions and the Local Code of Breast Milk Substitutes / WHO Code.
A qualified Doctor of Physiotherapy is needed by Sanabel Ventures to provide specialised patient care, create and carry out treatment plans, work with other medical professionals, keep accurate records, stay up to date on research and best practices, instruct patients, and uphold moral and professional standards.
Required DPT possibility for our laid out arrangement for part-time choices related with locally available and online assignments relevant with the board undertakings. Solid bundles and advantages will be given, do make a difference and send your resume.
As a team leader, manage and supervise the medical, administrative and logistics activities in close coordination with the Pharmacist officer, Medical Team Supervisor, and Program officer.
Liaise with Government medical officers for medical activities at the BHU.
Conduct medical consultation according to WHO/organization standards.
Ensure MNCH and IMNCI guidelines are followed in care and treatment.
Ensure all protocols and guidelines are followed by team members, including the administrative procedures.
Wir suchen Sie als Applikationsspezialist und Medical Training Lead (m/w/d/x) für die technische Assistenz und kompetente Betreuung an medizinischen Geräten.