
With a complete solution for the whole health and care chain, Cambio is one of the top eHealth providers in the Nordic region.  Our eHealth solutions give patients safer and easier access to care while also assisting medical professionals in their day-to-day tasks.  Being a significant contributor to Swedish health and social care makes us proud.  We are constantly expanding and currently employ over 1000 people across multiple nations.
Clinical Decision Support: 
What is it?
In order to create and display useful information for clinicians as care is being provided, CDS, a branch of health information technologies, integrates various patient data types with evidence-based knowledge.  We create Clinical Decision Support (CDS) applications that are standards-based and independent of EHRs with the goal of accelerating healthcare innovation and learning.  All of us at Cambio CDS are committed to enhancing healthcare through the creation of software tools that support clinical decision-making at the point of care.
The role:
Do you have a strong desire to integrate software engineering with healthcare?  Would you like to make a difference in millions of lives?  The Cambio CDS team is the ideal destination for you if both of your responses are accurate.
To assist us achieve our goals, we are seeking software engineers.  In this position, you'll:
Develop and Maintain: As part of our broad range of products, develop and maintain state-of-the-art clinical decision support systems.
Server-Side Excellence: 
To power our apps, write reliable and effective server-side code.
Client-Side Innovation: Use TypeScript and JavaScript to create and build slick user interfaces.
Embrace Learning: Investigate and incorporate new technology to foster a growth mentality.
Our tech stack consists of:
Kubernetes and Docker.
Backend technologies include Kotlin, Spring Boot, and Java.
Frontend technologies include Web Components, TypeScript, JavaScript, Lit, and Vue.js.
Here at Cambio, we support taking actions that advance both the business and ourselves.  For us, it is crucial that you should have the ability to grow, both as a person and as an employee.  The phrases "Trust," "Care," and "Together" encapsulate our culture and are present in all we do.
Concerning you:
You are a responsible, modest team player who enjoys solving problems as a person.  You follow through and pay attention to details.  You are curious, open-minded, and eager to pick up new abilities.  You share our enthusiasm for enhancing healthcare and are inspired by the possibilities presented by health IT.
Experienced in web development for more than three years, with a solid background in contemporary web technologies.
Client-side expertise: 
knowledgeable about JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS.
Knowledge of enterprise-level technologies like Java, Kotlin, and Spring Boot is referred to as server-side proficiency.
Language Proficiency: 
Proficient in spoken and written English.
It's advantageous if you possess:
expertise in the medical field.
knowledge of containerization tools such as Kubernetes and Docker.
familiarity with system integration and microservices frameworks.
familiarity with JavaScript frameworks like Lit or Vue.js.
knowledge of accessibility, UX, visual design, and human-computer interface.
In order to promote a good work-life balance, Cambio uses a hybrid working approach.  You choose which days you work in the office alongside your team.  You are free to work from home on the other days, but you are also welcome to work in the office.
Employment type: six-month trial period, permanent employment
Please use the link to submit your application as soon as possible, as we screen them and conduct interviews on a constant basis.
All applications are welcome and encouraged, but only those who are physically present and legally permitted to work in Sweden will be taken into consideration.  Verification will be requested throughout the procedure.
Your application is eagerly anticipated!
Go here to learn more about us!
Do you want to work at Cambio but don't think this job is the right fit for you?  Visit the career site here to see our other available positions!

Organization jobs

Tarkvarainsener e-tervise valdkonnas ettevõttes cambio in stockolm

Kogu tervishoiu- ja hooldusahela terviklahendusega Cambio on Põhjamaade üks juhtivaid e-tervise pakkujaid.  Meie e-tervise lahendused pakuvad patsientidele turvalisemat ja lihtsamat juurdepääsu ravile, aidates samal ajal meditsiinitöötajaid nende igapäevaste ülesannete täitmisel.  Olles Rootsi tervishoiu- ja sotsiaalhoolekande oluline panus, teeb meid uhkeks.  Me laieneme pidevalt ja anname praegu tööd enam kui 1000 inimesele mitmes riigis.
Kliiniliste otsuste tugi: 
Mis see on?

Softwareentwickler im Bereich eHealth bei Cambio in Stockholm

Mit einer Komplettlösung für die gesamte Gesundheits- und Pflegekette ist Cambio einer der führenden eHealth-Anbieter in der nordischen Region. Unsere eHealth-Lösungen bieten Patienten einen sichereren und einfacheren Zugang zur Pflege und unterstützen gleichzeitig medizinisches Fachpersonal bei ihren täglichen Aufgaben. Wir sind stolz darauf, einen bedeutenden Beitrag zum schwedischen Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen zu leisten. Wir expandieren ständig und beschäftigen derzeit über 1000 Mitarbeiter in mehreren Ländern.
Clinical Decision Support:
Was ist das?

Software Engineer inom eHealth på cambio i stockolm

Med en helhetslösning för hela vård- och omsorgskedjan är Cambio en av de främsta eHälsoleverantörerna i Norden.  Våra eHälsolösningar ger patienter säkrare och enklare tillgång till vård samtidigt som de hjälper läkare i deras dagliga uppgifter.  Att vara en betydande bidragsgivare till svensk vård och omsorg gör oss stolta.  Vi expanderar ständigt och sysselsätter för närvarande över 1000 personer i flera länder.
Kliniskt beslutsstöd: 
vad är det?

Software Engineer within eHealth at cambio in stockolm

With a complete solution for the whole health and care chain, Cambio is one of the top eHealth providers in the Nordic region.  Our eHealth solutions give patients safer and easier access to care while also assisting medical professionals in their day-to-day tasks.  Being a significant contributor to Swedish health and social care makes us proud.  We are constantly expanding and currently employ over 1000 people across multiple nations.
Clinical Decision Support: 
What is it?