
Deadline to Apply: March 20, 2025 Ängelholm On-site
Designing and developing electronics and software for the in-car infotainment system, electronic control units (ECU), and related services falls within the purview of the Koenigsegg software and electronics department.  We collaborate closely with manufacturing, service/aftersales, and other engineering groups.  Our current goal is to add a knowledgeable and experienced full-stack web developer to the infotainment, cloud, and mobile app teams.
Maintaining and improving a web application and its underlying backend services for our fleet of linked cars will be the main responsibility of this role.
Creation and upkeep of web applications and the supporting framework
Regression and unit testing
Create fresh concepts and prototype them.
Help our service and production divisions
Competencies and prerequisites
Proficiency with TypeScript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, and state management tools like Zustand and the React context API for front-end web development
familiarity with relational databases like PostgreSQL and back-end technologies like NodeJS and NginX
Proficiency in creating software that is essential for security
Proficiency in the English language
High requirements for performance, maintainability, usability, and code quality
An excellent eye for user experience and user interfaces
High requirements for performance, maintainability, usability, and code quality
An excellent eye for user experience and user interfaces
Capacity to operate in a dynamic, constantly evolving environment
Nice to have:
familiarity with cloud infrastructure
familiarity with message brokers like RabbitMQ or Kafka
Knowledge about React Navitve
Although not required, automotive experience is a plus.
While not required, a university degree in computer science or another related field is preferred.
It is advantageous to have knowledge of pertinent standards and laws, such as GDPR and ISO 27000.
Knowledge of the agile software development methodology
Capacity to operate in a dynamic, constantly evolving environment
Fantastic Workplace:
Chance to influence a developing business
Collaborate with top-tier talent
Flexible work hours and a collaborative culture
long history of profitability and success
Participating and exchanging in the workplace
Fast decision-making with a flat organizational structure
Concerning the business:
With nearly all of our megacar technology developed and produced in-house by our over 500 top-tier technicians, engineers, sourcing specialists, production craftsmen, and communicators, Koenigsegg is best recognized for creating some of the fastest automobiles in the world.
What we've produced is a singular test of engineering ingenuity that leverages our legacy and ground-breaking megacar development to advance sustainable mobility technology.
What comes next, then?
We are on a mission to create the next wave of innovative products and technology.  To grow with us, we are seeking exceptional, influential, and genuine people.  Although our goals are ambitious, they will push the envelope of what is feasible, necessitating effective collaboration among our cross-functional teams in order to produce work of the highest caliber.
The objective is unmistakable: innovate and change.

Organization jobs

Täielik veebiarendaja koenigseggis Rootsis

Kandideerimise tähtaeg: 20. märts 2025 Ängelholm Kohapeal
Autosiseste info- ja meelelahutussüsteemide, elektrooniliste juhtseadmete (ECU) ja nendega seotud teenuste elektroonika ja tarkvara projekteerimine ja arendamine kuulub Koenigseggi tarkvara- ja elektroonikaosakonna pädevusse.  Teeme tihedat koostööd tootmis-, teenindus-/järelmüügi- ja muude insenerigruppidega.  Meie praegune eesmärk on lisada teabe-, pilve- ja mobiilirakenduste meeskonda teadlik ja kogenud täiskomplektne veebiarendaja.

Full-Stack-Webentwickler bei Koenigsegg in Schweden

Bewerbungsfrist: 20. März 2025 Ängelholm vor Ort
Das Entwerfen und Entwickeln von Elektronik und Software für das Infotainmentsystem im Auto, elektronische Steuergeräte (ECU) und zugehörige Dienste fällt in den Zuständigkeitsbereich der Software- und Elektronikabteilung von Koenigsegg. Wir arbeiten eng mit Fertigung, Service/Aftersales und anderen Engineering-Gruppen zusammen. Unser aktuelles Ziel ist es, die Infotainment-, Cloud- und Mobile-App-Teams um einen sachkundigen und erfahrenen Full-Stack-Webentwickler zu erweitern.

Full-Stack webbutvecklare på koenigsegg i sverige

Sista ansökningsdag: 20 mars 2025 Ängelholm På plats
Att designa och utveckla elektronik och programvara för infotainmentsystemet i bilen, elektroniska styrenheter (ECU) och relaterade tjänster faller inom Koenigseggs program- och elektronikavdelning.  Vi har ett nära samarbete med tillverkning, service/efterförsäljning och andra ingenjörsgrupper.  Vårt nuvarande mål är att lägga till en kunnig och erfaren webbutvecklare i full stack till teamen för infotainment, moln och mobilappar.

Full-Stack Web Developer at koenigsegg in sweden

Deadline to Apply: March 20, 2025 Ängelholm On-site
Designing and developing electronics and software for the in-car infotainment system, electronic control units (ECU), and related services falls within the purview of the Koenigsegg software and electronics department.  We collaborate closely with manufacturing, service/aftersales, and other engineering groups.  Our current goal is to add a knowledgeable and experienced full-stack web developer to the infotainment, cloud, and mobile app teams.