Description of the Job:
Do you have a strong interest in machine learning?  Are you familiar with data?
Building machine learning-based systems and performing data analysis to enhance the caliber of our massive geospatial data will be your responsibilities in this position.  You'll be creating natural language processing (NLP) models to extract information, detecting anomalies with outlier detection, and using data science techniques to measure the caliber of our data.  You will contribute to the models' creation, integration, productionization, and large-scale deployment, which calls for a strong blend of software development and data science.
You must be a problem solver who appreciates taking on challenging tasks if you want to excel in this position.  Along with practical knowledge in machine learning and data science, such as classification, feature engineering, clustering, anomaly detection, and neural networks, you should possess good programming abilities in Python, Scala, or Java.  It is crucial to have a firm grasp of traditional machine learning algorithms like SVM, Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, and KNN.  It will be very beneficial to have knowledge of data science frameworks like Scikit-learn, NumPy, and Pandas, as well as deep learning libraries like PyTorch, TensorFlow, or Keras.  Strong verbal and writing communication abilities are also essential.
Having expertise in data mining, information retrieval, or natural language processing (NLP) is advantageous, as are abilities in statistical modeling and predictive analytics.  Above all, we want someone who is enthusiastic to learn new technologies, appreciates working in a fast-paced, team-oriented atmosphere, and has a solution-oriented approach.  We would love to speak with you if you have a strong interest in innovation and digitization.
Description of the Company:
AFRY offers consultancy, digital, engineering, and design services.  We are committed professionals in the fields of infrastructure, energy, and industry, making a difference for future generations.  AFRY is a global brand with Nordic origins.  Come along with us as we accelerate the shift to a sustainable society.
Extra Details:
One of Sweden's most well-liked employers is AFRY.  We are brave and committed team players who always aim to have the best talents in the market.  We also know that the most crucial success component is having people who are in good physical and mental health.  Consequently, we prioritize a secure workplace and a healthy work-life balance.
You will also take pleasure in:
a progressive company offering a wide range of perks, such as parental leave supplements and wellness allowances.
Opportunities for ongoing education and career advancement based on your objectives.
a lively workplace atmosphere through Club AFRY, which provides events like sports, literature groups, and cultural gatherings.
We encourage you to apply; the deadline is April 5, 2025.
Person to contact with inquiries:
Section Manager Dick Max-Hansen
Go here to learn more about AFRY's hiring procedure:
We respectfully request that salespeople and staffing and recruitment firms refrain from contacting us with further job postings.
In everything we do at AFRY, we engineer change.  When bold ideas come together, change occurs.  when we work together, embrace opposing viewpoints, and develop new technologies.  We are creating the future in this manner.  We are currently seeking competent individuals to join our diverse and inclusive teams worldwide.  Come along with us as we accelerate the shift to a sustainable future.
Use the information:
Location of a Machine Learning Engineer
Malmö Nation
Sweden's reference number

Organization jobs

Malmö AFRY masinõppeinsener

Töö kirjeldus:
Kas teil on suur huvi masinõppe vastu?  Kas olete andmetega kursis?
Sellel ametikohal vastutate masinõppepõhiste süsteemide loomine ja andmeanalüüsi tegemine, et suurendada meie tohutute georuumiliste andmete kaliibrit.  Loote teabe hankimiseks loomuliku keele töötlemise (NLP) mudeleid, avastate kõrvalekaldeid ja kasutate meie andmete kaliibri mõõtmiseks andmeteaduse meetodeid.  Aitate kaasa mudelite loomisele, integreerimisele, tootmisele ja laiaulatuslikule juurutamisele, mis nõuab tarkvaraarenduse ja andmeteaduse tugevat segu.