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Location: Islamabad

Company: Roots International School

Planned, carry out, and evaluate the curriculum in accordance with national guidelines, school and exam board requirements, and other guidelines.

To oversee the review and revision of all computer science-related work plans, including learning objectives and assessments.
To oversee and direct computer science education.  
To assist department staff in effectively managing the school's Behavior for Learning policy on a daily basis.
To keep track of how well teaching and learning are done by using the school's Performance Appraisal system to effectively evaluate employees and by using departmental self-evaluation.
To work with the Assistant Head Teacher to make sure that teaching resources and staff, including support staff, are used effectively.
To keep track of, analyze, and evaluate the progress of students, including the results of exams. To use outcomes to set goals, guide planning, design and implement intervention strategies, and form groups.
To maintain departmental assessment records in accordance with school policy and to manage effective and up-to-date assessment practices in the department.
To guarantee compliance with all departmental and school policies.
Attend required management, parent, and other meetings, as well as departmental and line management meetings on a regular basis.
To delegate and coordinate duties and responsibilities within the department to ensure computer science best value practice. 
As part of the overall school development planning process, to create an annual departmental development plan with colleagues and ensure its execution and review.  
As a member of the IT Steering Group for the entire school to contribute to the growth of digital learning.
To guarantee that the showing rooms give an invigorating learning climate.
Roots International School