Congratulations! Your Premium Role is active for one month—apply to unlimited jobs and boost your career! Form of Apply at job Apply At Job Full Name Vorname Nachname E-Mail WhatsApp-Nummer Lebenslauf hochladen Bitte laden Sie Ihren Lebenslauf nur im pdf-Format hoch. Nur eine Datei möglich. | 256 MB Limit. | Erlaubte Dateitypen: pdf. Describe a Time You Managed an Employee Who Was Struggling or Causing Strife. Write some lines about this question. What are qualities of a successful manager? Please write some lines about this question. Tell Me About a Decision That Was Difficult to Make. Did You Consult With Anyone? Please write some lines about this question. What Are Your Plans for Your Team’s Professional Development? Please write some lines about this question. Actual Category Email 1 Email 2 Email 3 Email 4 Email 5 Email 6 Contact Person Job Node id Job title Apply for job CV PDF Link Link-Titel Link-URL User Profile Link-Titel Link-URL Previous Cv Link ODER Erstellen Sie Ihren kostenlosen Lebenslauf premium_submission premium_submission_for_no Continue with GoogleORLogin Actual Category Commercial Finance About the jobRequirements Maintaining Cash Imprest Register and reconciliation with Admin and other departments.Dealing with all bank-related transactions.Book-keeping of all bank and other transactions regularly.Procurement of company-related things.Coordination with Admin and other departments for procurement &Vendor payments.Maintaining bank position daily, weekly, and monthly.Maintaining working schedules and doing Reporting of tasks assigned by HOF along with other tasks assigned by team. Preference / BBA / will be preferred.Must Have Experience of QuickBooks.Must have 1– 3 years of relevant work experience in the IT Industry/ Corporate/Service Sector. Email 1 Email 2 Email 3 Email 4 Contact Person DPL 4279