
Coody is a vibrant and expanding community of individuals who will be the future's tech stars.  We work on projects for digital game changers in Sweden, Finland, the USA, and the UK in sectors including EV, gaming, AI, MedTech, AR, and FinTech. Our team comprises around 13 different nationalities.
We are a community platform, not just a business.  Our strategy is based on autonomy and trust.  We minimize corporate jargon and concentrate on what is most advantageous to our consultants.  To learn more about a true supportive, consultant-first workplace, peruse our employee handbook.
As a consultant for mobile developers, you will take on interesting and technically demanding tasks that enable businesses to improve their teams and projects.  You will use iOS or Android technologies (or both) to write code that is effective, manageable, and of excellent quality.  Working collaboratively with cross-functional teams, you will be essential to the definition, creation, and implementation of new features.
You must be flexible and prepared to start right away in unfamiliar situations.  We view novel circumstances and obstacles as chances for development.  Usually, you'll work on one or two different projects for businesses in an area you're enthusiastic about each year.
. More than five years of experience as a mobile developer
. profound knowledge of one or more of the following technological fields
. Proficiency in both written and spoken English
. Experience in an agile work environment
. A doer mentality and a track record of completing tasks
We want to make sure you have:
. Working knowledge of React Native, Flutter, Swift, or Kotlin
. Technical know-how from developing user-critical apps using mobile-related technologies and frameworks
. Experience with unit testing, a firm grasp of the release cycle, and knowledge with CI/CD pipelines
. A degree in information technology, engineering, computer science, or a similar discipline
You don't have to match at every level to be eligible because we are seeking both iOS and Android developers.
We would love to speak with you if Gravity Free Consulting at Coody fits with your objectives and you possess the abilities we are looking for.  If your profile meets our requirements, we will contact you within a week of your application.

Organization jobs

Malmö Coody andmeteadlane

Coody's muudame nõustamist, ühendades traditsioonilise töökoha turvalisuse vabakutselise paindlikkuse ja sõltumatusega.  Pakume konkurentsivõimelist tasu, laiaulatuslikku hüvitiste paketti, kaugtöövõimalusi ja meeldivaid, kuid nõudlikke töökohti.
Coodyga liitumine toob tavaliselt kaasa 44% palgatõusu.  Kuidas me seda teeme?
See on lihtne matemaatika.  Vähendame üleliigseid kulutusi, et anda Sulle suurem palk; pole ülemakstud ülemusi, külluslikke koosolekuid ega uhkeldavaid kontoreid.  Pigem investeerime sellesse, mis tõesti loeb: sinusse.

Data Scientist bei Coody in Malmö

Bei Coody verändern wir die Beratung, indem wir die Sicherheit einer traditionellen Anstellung mit der Flexibilität und Unabhängigkeit der freiberuflichen Tätigkeit verbinden. Wir bieten eine wettbewerbsfähige Bezahlung, ein umfassendes Leistungspaket, die Möglichkeit zur Fernarbeit sowie angenehme, aber anspruchsvolle Jobs.
Ein Einstieg bei Coody führt in der Regel zu einer Gehaltserhöhung von 44 %. Wie gehen wir dabei vor?

Data Scientist på Coody i malmö

På Coody förvandlar vi konsultverksamheten genom att förena säkerheten för traditionella anställningar med flexibiliteten och oberoendet hos frilansar.  Vi erbjuder en konkurrenskraftig lön, ett omfattande förmånspaket, alternativ för distansarbete och roliga men krävande jobb.
Att gå med i Coody resulterar vanligtvis i en löneökning på 44 %.  Hur gör vi det?
Det är lätt matematik.  Vi minskar överflödiga utgifter för att ge dig högre lön; det finns inga överbetalda chefer, överdådiga möten eller pråliga kontor.  Snarare gör vi investeringar i det som verkligen räknas: dig.

Data Scientist at Coody in malmo

At Coody, we're transforming consulting by fusing the security of traditional employment with the flexibility and independence of freelancing.  We offer a competitive pay, a comprehensive benefits package, remote work options, and enjoyable yet demanding jobs.
Joining Coody typically results in a 44% pay increase.  How do we go about doing it?
It's easy math.  We reduce superfluous expenses to give you a higher salary; there are no overpaid bosses, opulent meetings, or ostentatious offices.  Rather, we make investments in what really counts: you.