
Grebban is seeking LIA interns for the autumn of 2025! Are you hoping to receive hands-on experience at a major e-commerce agency? We’re searching for individuals with a focus on either frontend or backend development—or both—who are willing to grow and learn in a dynamic environment.
We are seeking applicants who possess:
. familiarity with contemporary JavaScript frameworks, like NextJS, Gatsby, and React.
. Proficiency in PHP, Laravel, MySQL, and NodeJS is advantageous for individuals with an interest in backend programming.
. a love of clean code and best practices for mobile development, responsive design, and web standards.
. understanding how to maximize accessibility and performance by optimizing solutions.
. a strong desire to learn and a keen interest in emerging technology.
. a deep appreciation for user experience and good UX.
Characteristics we value:
. You take pleasure in your expertise and keep it up to date by taking in information from your surroundings.
. You address problems pragmatistically and are amiable and adaptable.
. You appreciate a social work environment and the corporate culture.
. It is quite beneficial to have prior expertise with e-commerce systems.
. Formal certificates or degrees are not as important to us as the appropriate passion and skill.
Concerning Grebban:
With a staff of more than 110 designers, developers, project managers, and e-commerce experts, Grebban is a well-known and international e-commerce company.
We use strategy, coding, and design to assist some of the most innovative brands in the world expand their businesses.  As experts in e-commerce, we help our customers create one of their most crucial sales channels by helping them with system architecture, digital and UX design, brand identification, growth strategies, and e-commerce solution development.
We specialize in headless commerce and mostly use systems like Shopify Plus, Centra, and Norce.  J. Lindeberg, Björn Borg, Djerf Avenue, iDeal of Sweden, Kari-Traa, Hestra, NN07, Filippa K, and Sandqvist are a few of Grebban's clientele.
Grebban LIA internships have excellent prospects for future work, but they also need a great deal of dedication and a strong desire to learn!
Your application is eagerly anticipated!

Organization jobs

Webentwickler-Praktikant bei Grebban in Göteborg

Grebban sucht LIA-Praktikanten für den Herbst 2025! Sie wünschen sich praktische Erfahrungen bei einer großen E-Commerce-Agentur? Wir suchen Personen mit einem Fokus auf Frontend- oder Backend-Entwicklung – oder beidem –, die bereit sind, in einem dynamischen Umfeld zu wachsen und zu lernen.
Wir suchen Bewerber, die Folgendes mitbringen:
. Vertrautheit mit modernen JavaScript-Frameworks wie NextJS, Gatsby und React.
. Kenntnisse in PHP, Laravel, MySQL und NodeJS sind für Personen mit Interesse an Backend-Programmierung von Vorteil.

Veebiarendaja praktikant Göteborgis Grebbanis

Grebban otsib LIA praktikante 2025. aasta sügiseks! Kas loodate saada praktilisi kogemusi suures e-kaubanduse agentuuris? Otsime isikuid, kes keskenduvad kas esi- või taustaprogrammi arendamisele või mõlemale, kes on valmis kasvama ja õppima dünaamilises keskkonnas.
Ootame kandidaate, kellel on:
. tänapäevaste JavaScripti raamistike, nagu NextJS, Gatsby ja React tundmine.
. PHP, Laraveli, MySQL-i ja NodeJS-i oskus on kasulik inimestele, kes tunnevad huvi taustaprogrammeerimise vastu.

Webbutvecklare Praktikant på Grebban i Göteborg

Grebban söker LIA praktikanter till hösten 2025! Hoppas du på att få praktisk erfarenhet på en stor e-handelsbyrå? Vi letar efter individer med fokus på antingen frontend- eller backend-utveckling – eller bådadera – som är villiga att växa och lära sig i en dynamisk miljö.
Vi söker sökande som har:
. förtrogenhet med samtida JavaScript-ramverk, som NextJS, Gatsby och React.
. Kunskaper i PHP, Laravel, MySQL och NodeJS är fördelaktigt för personer med intresse för backend-programmering.

Web Developer Intern at Grebban in gothenburg

Grebban is seeking LIA interns for the autumn of 2025! Are you hoping to receive hands-on experience at a major e-commerce agency? We’re searching for individuals with a focus on either frontend or backend development—or both—who are willing to grow and learn in a dynamic environment.
We are seeking applicants who possess:
. familiarity with contemporary JavaScript frameworks, like NextJS, Gatsby, and React.
. Proficiency in PHP, Laravel, MySQL, and NodeJS is advantageous for individuals with an interest in backend programming.