Invisible Agency

Swedish Completely Remote Advanced AI Data Trainer
The Business Environment:
AI may be most recognizable to you as a chatbot, an avatar creator, or a method of unlocking your device, but you already use it in many other ways, such as choosing which goods and services to purchase.  However, AI may be able to assist the world in the following areas: determining the complexity of any function, teaching you about scientific studies, and making medical diagnoses.
However, algorithms eat, just like people do.  They are only as good as the data they are trained on and the rules they are familiar with.  Our group assists in setting an example for these practices.
The Position:
In order to teach the AI to read, write, summarize information, and understand meaning, you will collaborate closely with a group of other trainers using protocols created by top AI researchers worldwide.  Consider it similar to teaching language arts or serving as a private tutor for some of the most significant technologies in the world.
This AI's objective is to be a conversation companion that is safe, accurate, well-informed, and useful for a wide range of applications.  It is your responsibility to regularly train, assess, and test the AI's conversational abilities so that it can achieve that goal.
Every single day, you will:
Teach the AI:
The majority of your time will be spent creating examples of ideal dialogues, assuming the roles of both the AI and the User for the AI to learn from, and gathering sources that will enable the AI to read vast amounts of recorded human knowledge and discern between what is presented as fact, context, and behavioral patterns.
Assess the AI:
The goal of our partner is to create AI models that are accurate, safe, and helpful to people.  Using those standards and our training techniques, you will continually assess the AI.  For instance, you will be able to determine both the correctness of the data the AI is producing and the accuracy of how they are interpreted.
Examine the AI:
What distinguishes evaluation from testing?  You will actively strive to "break" the AI by "forcing" errors and enhancing the way these AI models recover as the project develops.  Its accuracy, usability, and safety all depend on this.  You will be able to record breaks and provide our team and our customer with suggestions for enhancements to the training techniques themselves.
The Individual:
This is a unique position that is ideal for recent graduates, career transitioners, and those looking for an interesting encore career. It is a technology job that fits humanities individuals and depends more on your talents than your formal expertise.
You're the type of person who excels at writing copy on the fly.  Additionally, you possess the metacognitive maturity to "show your work."  You're also the type of person that has a strong interest in language.  You most likely want a Ph.D. if you didn't receive one.  You naturally record lessons learned and keep improving your techniques.
You are a(n):
. Committed  
. Natural Writer and Grammarian
. Astute Reader
. Perceptive Audience
. Self-Aware Interpreter
.  Fluent in Swedish
. Synthetic Sense-Maker
. Instinctive Educator
. Lifelong Learner
Pay & Career
This entry-level position is ideal for career switchers eager to get into the technology industry or for early-career avid readers.  Pay for the best candidates worldwide starts at $28 per hour.  The timetable calls for a weekly commitment of 20–40 hours.
Fluency in Swedish (C1–C2) is required.
Minimum: Advanced Conversational English (B1–C1)
P.S. Although we operate in English, the AI training will be conducted in Swedish, thus it is crucial that you can converse in English at least in our internal meetings.
Life and Work:
You should ideally be accessible between the EST and PST time zones.  The employment is fun, consistent, and flexible in terms of hours.

Organization jobs

rootsi keel – Advanced AI Data Trainer

Rootsi täielikult kaugjuhtimisega täiustatud tehisintellekti andmetreener
Tehisintellekt võib olla teile kõige paremini äratuntav vestlusroboti, avatari loojana või seadme avamismeetodina, kuid te kasutate seda juba mitmel muul viisil, näiteks valite, milliseid kaupu ja teenuseid osta.  AI võib aga aidata maailma järgmistes valdkondades: mis tahes funktsiooni keerukuse määramine, teadusuuringute õpetamine ja meditsiiniliste diagnooside tegemine.

Svenska - Advanced AI Data Trainer

Swedish Completely Remote Advanced AI Data Trainer
AI kanske känns mest igen för dig som en chatbot, en avatarskapare eller en metod för att låsa upp din enhet, men du använder den redan på många andra sätt, som att välja vilka varor och tjänster du ska köpa.  Däremot kan AI kanske hjälpa världen inom följande områden: att bestämma komplexiteten i alla funktioner, lära dig om vetenskapliga studier och ställa medicinska diagnoser.

Swedish - Advanced AI Data Trainer

Swedish Completely Remote Advanced AI Data Trainer
The Business Environment:
AI may be most recognizable to you as a chatbot, an avatar creator, or a method of unlocking your device, but you already use it in many other ways, such as choosing which goods and services to purchase.  However, AI may be able to assist the world in the following areas: determining the complexity of any function, teaching you about scientific studies, and making medical diagnoses.