Skillspark AB

Start right away; 
last for more than a year
Front-end JavaScript developer with an emphasis on React
An explanation:
Front-end JavaScript developer with an emphasis on React
An explanation
For a consulting project, we are seeking a capable JavaScript frontend developer with an emphasis on React.
Developing tools and applications in a difficult field with a lot of data and numerous unresolved problems that affect users will be your responsibility as a team member.
Determine the needs for new features, then suggest a solution and design.
Create sophisticated single-page web apps that facilitate data workflow processes.
Assume responsibility for delivering features and enhancements that address the current business issue.
Essential requirements:
able to take on several roles, do what it takes, and have the right mindset.
exceptionally proficient in problem-solving, system design, and programming.  Professional expertise writing CSS, React, and JavaScript code.
professional familiarity with utilizing JavaScript applications to access REST resources.
The capacity to assume responsibility, recognize needs, set priorities, and advance in a setting with little involvement.
competent in communicating in English, able to listen effectively and convey ideas clearly.
Additional Merit Requirements
Tools for building and DevOps (Jenkins, Gradle, NPM, Docker)
Backend expertise (Scala, Java)
The consultant should be able to work in the Malmö office five days a week.
Time frame: 
12 months or more
Olga Saibel, a sourcing expert
+46 768433934

Organization jobs

Fullstacki arendajaprofiil, kes töötab Malmö Skillspark AB eesotsas

Alustage kohe; 
kestavad üle aasta
Esiosa JavaScripti arendaja rõhuasetusega Reactile
Esiosa JavaScripti arendaja rõhuasetusega Reactile
Nõustamisprojekti jaoks otsime võimekat JavaScripti kasutajaliidese arendajat rõhuasetusega Reactile.
Tööriistade ja rakenduste arendamine keerulises valdkonnas, kus on palju andmeid ja palju kasutajaid mõjutavaid lahendamata probleeme, on teie kui meeskonnaliikme kohustus.

Fullstack utvecklarprofil som arbetar inom frontendfältet på Skillspark AB i malmö

Börja direkt; 
hålla i mer än ett år
Front-end JavaScript-utvecklare med tonvikt på React
En förklaring:
Front-end JavaScript-utvecklare med tonvikt på React
En förklaring
För ett konsultprojekt söker vi en kapabel JavaScript-frontend-utvecklare med tonvikt på React.
Att utveckla verktyg och applikationer inom ett svårt område med mycket data och många olösta problem som påverkar användare kommer att vara ditt ansvar som teammedlem.

Fullstack developer profile working in the frontend field at Skillspark AB in malmo

Start right away; 
last for more than a year
Front-end JavaScript developer with an emphasis on React
An explanation:
Front-end JavaScript developer with an emphasis on React
An explanation
For a consulting project, we are seeking a capable JavaScript frontend developer with an emphasis on React.
Developing tools and applications in a difficult field with a lot of data and numerous unresolved problems that affect users will be your responsibility as a team member.