Vesterling AG

Vesterling Personalberatung für Technik: We are pioneers in the field of technology recruitment, providing engineers and informers in Festanstellung. We operate for over 2,500 businesses. If we are willing, we will receive countless job opportunities.
A family business in the agricultural sector is your new employer. He is a national and worldwide manufacturer, wholesaler, and individual retailer. For him, sustainability and quality are crucial. Her location in the Bayerischen Voralpenland is a desirable place for you to work in the future; she also works there and enjoys taking vacations there.
Here, as a Full Stack PHP Developer, you may apply your skills to a land-based production company.
Location: Starnberg
Contract Art: Unexpected celebration by our clients
. Here, as a Full Stack PHP Developer, you may apply your skills to a land-based production company.
. They create software for production and shipping management, as well as traditional websites, web apps, HMIs, and APIs. The bandwidth also includes externally used web shops as well as internally used surfaces.
. You will be assisted in your tasks by an experienced colleague.
. Through the Microservices Architecture, you may start using self-optimized applications right away without having to heavily rely on your coding skills.
Your Profile:
. Good knowledge of German (!)
. Many years of PHP-based software development experience; excellent understanding of front-end development using React, Flutter, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and database administration
. You are also familiar with agile software development, GitLab, and DevOps (Docker, Kubernetes).
. Make the next step in your career and settle down right here.
We will never use your data without your express consent for each unique situation. Our guarantee is a refund within two working days.

Organization jobs

IT-turbejuht | SOC, SIEM

Vesterling Technology Personal Consulting: oleme tehnoloogia palkamise liidrid, kes paneme insenere ja arvutiteadlasi pikaajalistesse ametitesse.  Teenindame ligi 2500 ettevõtet.  Kui kandideerite meie juurde vaid ühe korra, avaneb teile mitu töövõimalust.
Meie klient on üks Saksamaa parimaid sõltumatuid ja erasektori piirkondlikke panku.  Oma Nordrhein-Westfaleni äripiirkonnas teenindab see lisaks jõukatele era- ja äriklientidele ka keskmise suurusega institutsionaalseid investoreid.

IT-Sicherheitsmanager | SOC, SIEM,

Vesterling Technology Personalberatung: Wir sind führend in der Personalbeschaffung im Technologiebereich und vermitteln Ingenieuren und Informatikern langfristige Positionen.  Wir betreuen fast 2.500 Unternehmen.  Wenn Sie sich nur einmal bei uns bewerben, ergeben sich für Sie mehrere Einsatzmöglichkeiten.
Eine der führenden unabhängigen und privaten Regionalbanken Deutschlands ist unser Kunde.  In ihrer Geschäftsregion Nordrhein-Westfalen bedient sie neben zahlungskräftigen Privat- und Firmenkunden auch mittelständische institutionelle Anleger.

IT-säkerhetschef | SOC, SIEM,

Vesterling Technology Personal Consulting: Vi är ledande inom teknikuthyrning och placerar ingenjörer och datavetare i långsiktiga roller.  Vi servar nästan 2 500 företag.  Du kommer att ges flera anställningsmöjligheter om du bara ansöker till oss en gång.
En av Tysklands främsta oberoende och privata regionala banker är vår kund.  I sin affärsregion Nordrhein-Westfalen vänder den sig till medelstora institutionella investerare förutom välbärgade privat- och företagskunder.

IT Security Manager | SOC, SIEM

Vesterling Technology Personnel Consulting: We are leaders in technology hiring, placing engineers and computer scientists in long-term roles.  We serve almost 2,500 businesses.  You will be given several employment possibilities if you apply to us only once.
One of Germany's top independent and private regional banks is our customer.  In its business region of North Rhine-Westphalia, it caters to medium-sized institutional investors in addition to affluent private and corporate clientele.