Würth IT Gmbh

Let's get it done!
Has the range of hazards on the Internet and cybercrime always piqued your interest?  Do you have a strong interest in information technology and wish to actively contribute to reducing one of the biggest business risks?  Then, you're in for a variety of fascinating IT-related prospects!
Go for it!
Conditions:  Entry requirements for colleges of applied sciences (with Delta exam), general higher education entry requirements, or subject-specific higher education entrance requirements
Locations: every training site
University: Mannheim campus of Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University
Study period: three years 
Get IT and be happy!
Part of a global group and yet family-oriented. Internationally oriented and yet down-to-earth. Secure and yet courageous. A driver of innovation, yet value-oriented. Look forward to exciting tasks in a secure, international company with diverse prospects.
We offer you: 
Vacation pay - Christmas bonus
30 days vacation
Your own company laptop
Possibility of an AzubiCar (lottery procedure)
Mobile working opportunity after successful completion of the probationary period 
High chances of being taken on - we train to take over!
Support from experienced IT experts
Project assignments that are interesting
An appreciating corporate culture and flat hierarchies
A chance to work as a social intern
group of trainees with a lot of engaging activities (such as an excursion)
Welcome Week (Induction Week) for Young Talents
Meal coupons or subsidized business dining (based on location)
Fruit day is a regular occurrence in most places.
Free beverages, both hot and cold
the chance to take part in  Compatible with Würth health management (Lifesum, 7Mind, and Wellpass)
Health days including free consultations with medical professionals
Offer from the health insurance fund of the Würth firm
Benefits (corporate, employee store, etc.)
Cultural, employee, and store events
Several other training opportunities

Organization jobs

Dual:r Student:in (m/f/d) küberturvalisus (B. Sc.)

Teeme sellega hakkama!
Kas Internetis peituvad ohud ja küberkuritegevus on alati teie huvi äratanud?  Tunned suurt huvi infotehnoloogia vastu ja soovid aktiivselt kaasa aidata ühe suurima äririski vähendamisele?  Siis ootavad teid ees mitmesugused põnevad IT-ga seotud väljavaated!
Laske käia!
Tingimused: sisseastumistingimused rakenduskõrgkoolidesse (Delta eksamiga), üldhariduskooli sisseastumistingimused või ainepõhise kõrghariduse sisseastumistingimused
Asukohad: iga koolituskoht

Dual:r Student:in (m/w/d) Cyber ​​Security (B. Sc.)

Lass es uns schaffen!
Hat die Vielfalt der Gefahren im Internet und der Cyberkriminalität schon immer Ihr Interesse geweckt?  Sie haben ein starkes Interesse an Informationstechnologie und möchten aktiv dazu beitragen, eines der größten Geschäftsrisiken zu reduzieren?  Dann erwarten Sie spannende Perspektiven rund um die IT!
Tue es!
Bedingungen: Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für Fachhochschulen (mit Delta-Prüfung), allgemeine Hochschulzugangsvoraussetzungen oder fachspezifische Hochschulzugangsvoraussetzungen

Dual:r Student:in (m/f/d) Cyber ​​Security (B. Sc.)

Låt oss få det gjort!
Har utbudet av faror på Internet och cyberbrottslighet alltid väckt ditt intresse?  Har du ett stort intresse för informationsteknologi och vill aktivt bidra till att minska en av de största affärsriskerna?  Då har du en mängd fascinerande IT-relaterade prospekt!
Gå för det!
Villkor: Behörighetskrav för yrkeshögskolor (med deltaprov), allmänna behörighetskrav för högre utbildning eller ämnesspecifika behörighetskrav för högre utbildning
Platser: varje träningsplats

Dual:r Student:in (m/f/d) Cyber Security (B. Sc.)

Let's get it done!
Has the range of hazards on the Internet and cybercrime always piqued your interest?  Do you have a strong interest in information technology and wish to actively contribute to reducing one of the biggest business risks?  Then, you're in for a variety of fascinating IT-related prospects!
Go for it!
Conditions:  Entry requirements for colleges of applied sciences (with Delta exam), general higher education entry requirements, or subject-specific higher education entrance requirements
Locations: every training site