adjoe GmbH

Regarding this job:
Adjoe is a leading mobile advertising platform that has developed cutting-edge advertising and monetarization solutions to meet the various needs of app publishers.  Our membership in the applike group's Ökosystem and Bertelsmann's financial assistance make this possible.  We at Adjoe are proud of our advanced technology and our dynamic and creative team.
Get Together with Your Team: Anti-Betrugs-Solutions
According to industry experts, 20% of global mobile advertising spending may be identified as a struggle.  The Adjoe Anti-Fraud Team has verified this figure and stopped fraudulent users from accessing partner advertising expenditures.
There are two main components to the Teams software.  
1) A distributed backend system with contemporary cloud infrastructure that provides partners with a variety of interfaces.  
2) A special mobile SDK that analyzes device characteristics to identify changes caused by xposed or malicious software.
The Anti-Fraud team uses a wide range of characteristics because there isn't a single, universal answer.  This includes recognizing efforts utilizing data with static patterns, detecting software manipulation with proprietary methods, identifying irregularities in network traffic, and determining whether to block or alert about requests.
Join a group of people who are passionate about the newest technologies and have a keen interest in cloud computing, data, security, and mobile operating systems.  Not to mention a group that has won several accolades for setting the standard for fraud prevention.
What are you going to do?
. Develop our SDKs for iOS and Android, which are used on tens of millions of devices daily.
. Collaborate closely with QA and backend engineers to deliver the features that are required.
. Work together with other groups working on the same project to coordinate architecture and best practices.
. Develop become the team's go-to authority on platform-specific features.
. Examine how users can circumvent or deceive our SDKs' fraud prevention measures.
Who you are?
. You have a degree in computer science (or a similar field) and 4+ years of combined work experience in iOS and ideally Android development
. You have good knowledge of Swift and ideally Java/Kotlin
. You are proficient in both iOS and ideally Android -app, -operating systems, -and service life cycles
. You keep up to date with trends and changes in mobile development
. Optional: SDK development experience

Organization jobs

Vanem mobiiliarendaja (f/m/d)

Selle töö kohta:
Adjoe on juhtiv mobiilireklaamiplatvorm, mis on välja töötanud tipptasemel reklaami- ja monetiseerimislahendused, et rahuldada rakenduste avaldajate erinevaid vajadusi.  Meie liikmelisus applike grupi Ökosystemis ja Bertelsmanni rahaline abi teevad selle võimalikuks.  Meie Adjoes oleme uhked oma arenenud tehnoloogia ning dünaamilise ja loomingulise meeskonna üle.
Saage oma meeskonnaga kokku: Betrugs-lahendused

Senior Mobile Developer (w/m/d)

Zu diesem Job:
Adjoe ist eine führende mobile Werbeplattform, die hochmoderne Werbe- und Monetarisierungslösungen entwickelt hat, um den unterschiedlichen Anforderungen von App-Publishern gerecht zu werden.  Unsere Mitgliedschaft im Ökosystem der applike-Gruppe und die finanzielle Unterstützung von Bertelsmann machen dies möglich.  Wir bei Adjoe sind stolz auf unsere fortschrittliche Technologie und unser dynamisches und kreatives Team.
Treffen Sie sich mit Ihrem Team: Anti-Betrugs-Lösungen

Senior mobilutvecklare (f/m/d)

Angående detta jobb:
Adjoe är en ledande mobilannonseringsplattform som har utvecklat banbrytande annonserings- och monetariseringslösningar för att möta apputgivares olika behov.  Vårt medlemskap i den applika gruppens Ökosystem och Bertelsmanns ekonomiska bistånd gör detta möjligt.  Vi på Adjoe är stolta över vår avancerade teknik och vårt dynamiska och kreativa team.
Gå ihop med ditt team: Anti-betrugs-lösningar

Senior Mobile Developer (f/m/d)

Regarding this job:
Adjoe is a leading mobile advertising platform that has developed cutting-edge advertising and monetarization solutions to meet the various needs of app publishers.  Our membership in the applike group's Ökosystem and Bertelsmann's financial assistance make this possible.  We at Adjoe are proud of our advanced technology and our dynamic and creative team.
Get Together with Your Team: Anti-Betrugs-Solutions