RiseRank AB

We are seeking a new star to join our Customer Success Team at RiseRank!
RiseRank is a rapidly expanding digital marketing firm with a focus on local SEO.  Our objective is to use cutting-edge tactics and resources to raise our clients' search engine ranks and fortify their online presence.  To mention a few, we optimize our clients' profiles across up to 32 platforms, such as Apple, Google, and Bing.
To expand our Customer Success Team, we are now seeking more talent.  You will collaborate directly with coworkers and clients in this position to assist them fulfill their SEO objectives and realize their full online potential.
As a manager of customer success, you will:
. Oversee client projects and be accountable for results.
. Create marketing plans in collaboration with your clients.
. Examine data to find patterns.
. Make sure consumers are satisfied by using your creativity to solve problems and enhance their web visibility.
. Analyze keywords to increase visibility.
We are seeking those who possess:
. Knowledge of customer service or a related business-facing Customer Success position
. Strong Excel and computer skills
. SEO abilities
Benefitful:  Design expertise and sales background
We provide you with:
. A stimulating and demanding position in a progressive organization
. The chance to collaborate with a committed group of people
. Competitive pay

Organization jobs

Stockholmi SEO agentuuri kliendiedujuht

Otsime uut staari liituma meie RiseRanki kliendiedumeeskonnaga!
RiseRank on kiiresti laienev digitaalse turunduse ettevõte, mis keskendub kohalikule SEO-le.  Meie eesmärk on kasutada tipptasemel taktikaid ja ressursse, et tõsta oma klientide otsingumootorite auastmeid ja tugevdada nende kohalolekut veebis.  Kui mainida mõnda, optimeerime oma klientide profiile kuni 32 platvormil, nagu Apple, Google ja Bing.

Customer Success Manager für SEO-Agentur in Stockholm

Wir suchen einen neuen Star für unser Customer Success Team bei RiseRank!
RiseRank ist ein schnell wachsendes Unternehmen für digitales Marketing mit Schwerpunkt auf lokaler SEO.  Unser Ziel ist es, modernste Taktiken und Ressourcen einzusetzen, um die Suchmaschinenränge unserer Kunden zu verbessern und ihre Online-Präsenz zu stärken.  Um nur einige zu nennen: Wir optimieren die Profile unserer Kunden auf bis zu 32 Plattformen wie Apple, Google und Bing.

Customer Success Manager till SEO-byrå in stockholm

Vi söker en ny stjärna för att gå med i vårt Customer Success Team på RiseRank!
RiseRank är en snabbt växande digital marknadsföringsfirma med fokus på lokal SEO.  Vårt mål är att använda banbrytande taktik och resurser för att höja våra kunders sökmotorrankningar och stärka deras onlinenärvaro.  För att nämna några, optimerar vi våra kunders profiler på upp till 32 plattformar, som Apple, Google och Bing.

Customer Success Manager till SEO-byrå in stockholm

We are seeking a new star to join our Customer Success Team at RiseRank!
RiseRank is a rapidly expanding digital marketing firm with a focus on local SEO.  Our objective is to use cutting-edge tactics and resources to raise our clients' search engine ranks and fortify their online presence.  To mention a few, we optimize our clients' profiles across up to 32 platforms, such as Apple, Google, and Bing.