
To support the E-mobility plan and improve user experience, are you interested in working on the creation, management, and optimization of high-quality content?
We are now seeking an E-mobility Business Unit Content Specialist!
your primary outputs and tasks;
. Make user-friendly and SEO-optimized content: as part of cross-country content efforts, produce excellent text, photos, videos, and other material in both the local language and English for our website, blog, newsletter, and other channels.
.  Enhance user perception by working with the UX team to examine how users interpret the material and make the required changes.
.  Simplify difficult material by making E-Mobility subjects accessible to non-experts.
. Assure quality and accuracy: Make sure that every piece of content is correct and of a high caliber.
. CMS content management refers to the process of managing material inside the CMS.
. Oversee the whole content creation lifecycle, which includes designing the needs for the material, producing it, testing it, and managing and improving it continuously.
.  Enhance internal procedures using the website: find methods to maximize internal procedures through the website.
.  Work together to accomplish common goals by establishing a horizontal relationship with the marketeer.  The content specialist is in charge of creating and developing content, while the marketer concentrates on lead generation and marketing tactics.  When combined, they guarantee that marketing initiatives are successfully converted into interesting content that achieves shared objectives.
. Cooperate with other teams: managing and optimizing material in conjunction with other teams.
. Respect standards and guidelines: make sure that every content conforms to the Vattenfall standards and guidelines that have been developed.
Your background:
. successfully finished coursework in business administration, marketing, e-commerce, media and communication, or a related field.
. strong technical understanding of HTML and content management systems, with the capacity to convert this into a usable website.
. Editorial background and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) know-how.
. flexibility in adjusting to a changing situation.
. familiarity with analytics systems.
. outstanding proficiency in Swedish and English.
. professional background, preferably in B2B marketing as a content specialist.
. the capacity to comprehend difficult topics and communicate them in an interesting and approachable way.
. Be mindful of the details.
. Outstanding written and vocal communication abilities to properly explain complicated topics.
More details:
We provide a demanding, global workplace and the opportunity to collaborate with some of the top professionals in the industry.  Because the "Ask and Share" principle is fundamental to our working methods, you can always rely on the assistance of dedicated colleagues while working in multidisciplinary teams.  We provide chances for both professional and personal growth, as well as appealing work circumstances (smart working, flexible working hours, and a healthy work-life balance).  For further details, click this link.

Organization jobs

Vattenfalli sisuspetsialist Stockholmis

Kas olete huvitatud kvaliteetse sisu loomise, haldamise ja optimeerimise kallal töötamisest e-mobiilsuse plaani toetamiseks ja kasutajakogemuse parandamiseks?
Otsime nüüd e-mobiilsuse äriüksuse sisuspetsialisti!
teie peamised väljundid ja ülesanded;
. Tehke kasutajasõbralik ja SEO-le optimeeritud sisu: osana riikidevahelisest sisutööst looge meie veebisaidi, ajaveebi, uudiskirja ja muude kanalite jaoks suurepärast teksti, fotosid, videoid ja muud materjali nii kohalikus kui ka inglise keeles.

Innehållsspecialist på Vattenfall i stockholm

För att stödja E-mobilitetsplanen och förbättra användarupplevelsen, är du intresserad av att arbeta med att skapa, hantera och optimera innehåll av hög kvalitet?
Vi söker nu en innehållsspecialist för E-mobility Business Unit!
dina primära resultat och uppgifter;
. Skapa användarvänligt och SEO-optimerat innehåll: producera utmärkt text, foton, videor och annat material på både det lokala språket och engelska för vår webbplats, blogg, nyhetsbrev och andra kanaler, som en del av innehållsinsatser över gränserna.

Content Specialist at Vattenfall in stockholm

To support the E-mobility plan and improve user experience, are you interested in working on the creation, management, and optimization of high-quality content?
We are now seeking an E-mobility Business Unit Content Specialist!
your primary outputs and tasks;
. Make user-friendly and SEO-optimized content: as part of cross-country content efforts, produce excellent text, photos, videos, and other material in both the local language and English for our website, blog, newsletter, and other channels.