questioning interview

Asking thoughtful questions during the interview not only shows your interest in the job and the company, but also helps you gather important information to evaluate whether the job is right for you. Here are some questions you may want to ask:

About the Company: 
What is your job title and experience in the company? Can you tell me more about the company culture? Development and growth development? 

About the Job:
job title? What are the daily responsibilities of this job? What is the biggest challenge? 

About the team:
Can you tell me about the team I will work with?

Regarding Success and Expectations?
How will the success of this project be measured? What are the basic criteria for a person in this position?
What is a performance review and what is the process? What it looks like? 

Regarding business development:
Is there support in the company?  

Regarding the interview process:
What is the next step in the interview? Is there anything else I can provide or clarify to help with the decision? Responding to a status request? 
Make sure you ask questions that are relevant to the specific job, company and industry. Tailoring your interview questions can show your genuine interest and preparation. Don't ask questions that have already been answered in the interview or can be easily found on the company's website.