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Job Description

  • Good knowledge about Fundraising / Resource mobilization in the field of NGO’s and Non-profits.
  • Generate new ideas and business opportunities to increase fundraising and fund development to meet and exceed revenue goals ( attract new donors)
  • Organize and coordinate agenda discussions for the weekly Fundraising team meetings and other team events.
  • Support the Fundraising  team in the development of proposals, taking sponsorships and  reports in line with high quality standards required by donors in collaboration and approved from team in charge
  • Takes the responsibility to initiate, plan, and implement all necessary activities, in a timely manner with collaboration of team in charge, to ensure that program goals and objectives are accomplished by sales team.
  • Liaison with Sales team to enhance their working & motivational level
  • Keep proper follow-up of which ever campaign launched. Look after the ins & outs of the at least three Account’s Campaign
  • Extending support in Campaign development and activities for fundraising by sharing experience
  • Liaison with HOS to maximize the benefits for the institute.
  • Meet the sales target.
  • Punctual in work.
  • Develop and forecast the sales strategy.