Avinode Group

What you're going to do:
. Production & Content Strategy
. Create and implement a thorough content strategy that is in line with our brand voice and messaging structure.
. Provide interesting material for a range of platforms, including websites, newsletters, press releases, whitepapers, and social media.
. Use AI-powered solutions to optimize processes while managing the editorial schedule and content creation process.
. Use AI-driven analytics to find industry trends and thought leadership opportunities.
. Use AI-assisted content optimization strategies and SEO best practices.
. Establish and monitor KPIs for editorial tasks, paying particular attention to engagement indicators.
Communication & PR:
. Managing PR agency relationships and media inquiries; creating press releases and media pitches for brand initiatives; 
. coordinating speaking engagements at events and conferences; 
. implementing social listening tools to obtain real-time insights; 
. coordinating communication strategies across all organizational touchpoints; 
. and developing crisis communication plans and protocols.
Management of Brands:
. Make sure the firm as a whole uses the brand language and visual identity consistently.
. Participate in the creation and administration of brand assets.
. Give information about the efficacy of message for various audience segments.
. Refine brand message for different audiences by using data-driven advice.
Metrics of Performance:
. Use data analytics technologies to track and evaluate the efficacy of communications.
. Report on communication KPIs and business effect on a regular basis.
. Monitor the return on investment for all communication initiatives.
Who you are?
. A dynamic individual with the ability to maximize communication efforts across all work areas and generate engagement through creative content tactics is needed for this post.
. Communication bachelor's degree or its equivalent
. 4+ years of B2B communication experience, ideally in the aviation industry
. Demonstrated success and a solid grasp of social media strategy, PR, and contemporary B2B content development Excellent authoring and project management abilities
. Knowledge of CRM systems, marketing automation technologies, and SEO
. knowledge of automation platforms and marketing solutions driven by AI
. The capacity for data-driven decision-making and analytical abilities
. Flexibility in response to emerging technology and market dynamics
. Fluency in English
Avinode Group: Why?
. We provide you with a high-engagement work environment where innovation and curiosity are valued.  Your suggestions will be taken into consideration.
. The majority of our work is done remotely.
. All Noders from all departments come together in person for our Synergy events to work together professionally and, just as importantly, have fun.
. Through trainings, we get the chance to learn new things or hone existing talents.  We wish to assist your growth and aspirations.
. We're aggressive, growth-oriented, and entrepreneurial, and we'll help you surpass your objectives.
. You will be surrounded by highly skilled, motivated individuals who strive for greatness.
. We see our relationships with clients and team members as partners.

Organization jobs

Sisu- ja kommunikatsioonijuht Stockholmis

Mida sa tegema hakkad:
. Tootmis- ja sisustrateegia
. Looge ja rakendage põhjalik sisustrateegia, mis on kooskõlas meie brändi hääle- ja sõnumistruktuuriga.
. Pakkuge huvitavat materjali erinevatele platvormidele, sealhulgas veebisaitidele, uudiskirjadele, pressiteatele, dokumentidele ja sotsiaalmeediale.
. Kasutage tehisintellektil põhinevaid lahendusi, et optimeerida protsesse, hallates samal ajal toimetamise ajakava ja sisu loomise protsessi.
. Kasutage AI-põhist analüütikat, et leida valdkonna suundumusi ja mõttejuhtimise võimalusi.

Content- und Kommunikationsmanager in Stockholm

Was Sie tun werden:
. Produktions- und Content-Strategie
. Erstellen und implementieren Sie eine umfassende Content-Strategie, die mit unserer Markenstimme und Nachrichtenstruktur übereinstimmt.
. Stellen Sie interessantes Material für eine Reihe von Plattformen bereit, darunter Websites, Newsletter, Pressemitteilungen, Whitepapers und soziale Medien.
. Nutzen Sie KI-gestützte Lösungen, um Prozesse zu optimieren und gleichzeitig den Redaktionsplan und den Content-Erstellungsprozess zu verwalten.

Content & Communication Manager i stockholm

Vad du ska göra:
. Produktions- och innehållsstrategi
. Skapa och implementera en grundlig innehållsstrategi som är i linje med vår varumärkesröst och meddelandestruktur.
. Tillhandahålla intressant material för en rad plattformar, inklusive webbplatser, nyhetsbrev, pressmeddelanden, whitepapers och sociala medier.
. Använd AI-drivna lösningar för att optimera processer samtidigt som du hanterar det redaktionella schemat och processen för att skapa innehåll.

Content & Communication Manager in stockholm

What you're going to do:
. Production & Content Strategy
. Create and implement a thorough content strategy that is in line with our brand voice and messaging structure.
. Provide interesting material for a range of platforms, including websites, newsletters, press releases, whitepapers, and social media.
. Use AI-powered solutions to optimize processes while managing the editorial schedule and content creation process.
. Use AI-driven analytics to find industry trends and thought leadership opportunities.