scope of management job.

The management position is broad and covers a wide range of roles and responsibilities across different businesses and industries. Management functions generally involve overseeing and coordinating work, resources, and people to achieve organizational goals. Here are some important aspects of management job:

Leadership and decision-making: 
Managers are responsible for providing leadership and direction to groups of subordinates, deciding on strategies, setting goals, and guiding employees to achieve goals. Managers develop and implement plans, strategies, and policies to achieve organizational goals. This includes analyzing data, predicting events, and identifying opportunities and threats to the organization. 

Managers are responsible for building and managing effective teams, recruiting and hiring, providing training and development, and creating a positive work environment. Work as a team and build relationships with customers, suppliers and partners to support corporate goals.
Performance Management: 
Managers evaluate employee performance, provide feedback and guidance, set performance goals, and conduct performance reviews to identify what has been accomplished and where there is room for improvement. Scope, plan and deliver deliverables, assign tasks, manage resources and ensure projects are completed on time and on budget. New methods, technologies or ideas. Size and complexity vary depending on factors such as the business or industry and specific roles or management levels. However, leaders play an important role in making the organization successful by sharing resources, motivating the team, and encouraging a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.