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Wanted: Nursing assistant - Assisted living group

Job Detail:
Company Name:
Needed: M/F/D nursing assistant for assisted living facility

Berlin, Germany

for the section of assisted living. We're trying to find carers.
For an application, please contact Herr Weber at +49 30 2200870 or by email now.

Job Profile: 
basic medical attention Support during appointments housekeeping tasks Recreational pursuits.

Computer Teacher

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Unity International School

Unity International needs mentors who can produce scientists and programmers; those who inspire children to explore the wonders of creation; from the microscopic to the galactic. More important than answering questions, young minds should question answers.

Machine Learning Internship

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Ezi Technologies

Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Data Scientist! Use Python for Data Science and Machine Learning. This comprehensive Internship will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and use powerful machine learning algorithms!