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Wanted: Nursing assistant (m/f/d) - Assisted living group *

Job Detail:
Company Name:
Needed: M/F/D nursing assistant for assisted living facility

Berlin, Germany

for the section of assisted living. We're trying to find carers.
For an application, please contact Herr Weber at +49 30 2200870 or by email now.

Job Profile: 
basic medical attention Support during appointments housekeeping tasks Recreational pursuits.

How to find a new job in 2024?

How to find a new job in 2024?

Like any previous year, 2024 will see a mix of conventional and cutting-edge job hunting techniques. The following actions will assist you in your job search:

1. Update Your Resume:
  Make sure your CV is up to date and highlights your successes, experiences, and talents. Customize it to the position for which you are applying.

2. Online Job Platforms:
  - To find job openings, use specific sector websites, Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and other online job platforms.

How do I enjoy my first job?

How do I enjoy my first job?

Congratulations on your first job! Here are some tips to help you enjoy and make the most of your experience:

1. Positive Attitude:
  - Approach your job with a positive mindset. Stay optimistic even if you encounter challenges.
  - Embrace the learning opportunities that come with your first job.